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JURIST - US Legal News

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In a March 09, 2004 Las Vegas Review Journal article, it was reported that Congressman John Porter, R-Nev., was pushing a bill which would cut federal highway funding to states that failed to prepare plans to counter drugged driving and did not pass a drugged driving law. The article revealed some startling drugged driving statistics, which show that such impaired driving causes needless pain and suffering on a national and local level. Alcohol and drugs cause many senseless impaired driving injuries and fatalities. Impaired driving statistics show that in 2001, more than 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. The Accident Claims website for Nevada Legal Help, provides more statistics on impaired driving: Drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) have been identified as factors in 18% of deaths among motor vehicle drivers. Other drugs are generally used in combination with alcohol. Nearly three-quarters of drivers convicted of driving while impaired are either frequent heavy drinkers (alcohol abusers) or alcoholics (alcohol dependent). Clearly, drug or alcohol impaired drivers cause far too many Car Accidents - Truck Accidents - Motorcycle Accidents - Pedestrian Accidents - Bus Accidents - and Bicycle Accidents. Be alert for impaired drivers and if you have been injured by an impaired driver, contact a Las Vegas Lawyer.

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